Fix: Laptop Battery running out quickly, Increase / optimize your battery life in Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP

After reading this you will be able to fix some of the issues that might be affecting your laptop /notebook /netbook battery life. Battery life depends on a number of factors that includes selection of proper power plan, screen brightness, background programs, external devices, processor minimal power state & a few more.

This guide includes a few steps to optimize your portable computer to provide you with better battery life.

The First thing for Windows 7 and earlier version operating system users should do is that they should run the Microsoft Fix It tool: Click the image below:


After Running Microsoft Fix It try the steps below:

  • Make sure all the USB powered devices that you don’t need are unplugged or set the devices to be turned off to save power, to do this follow :
  • Go to Device Manager ( Control Panel )
  • device
  • Click on Universal Serial Bus Controllers
  • device_usb
  • Right Click USB Root Hub & go to Properties
  • device_usb2
  • Make Sure the first option is checked
  • Repeat for all USB Root Hubs in Device Manager
  • Power Saving When Using Conventional Hard Disk Drives
  • If you are using the conventional Mechanical Hard Disk Drives you should disable “ Turn Off Hard disk “ Option in Power Options
  • To open power options
  • Go to Control Panel –> Power Options
  • Maintenance operation schedule
  • Windows XP users should Defrag their hard disk drives at regular intervals.
  • Windows 8, 7 & Vista users should check Maintenance options ( Action Center in Control Panel ) & make sure everything is running on schedule.
  • Sounds
  • For better Battery life you can disable sound scheme for Windows
  • Control panel –> Sound
  • Drivers
  • Make sure your computer has all the latest device drivers installed.
  • To update either run Windows Update or Visit your computer manufacturer’s website to get the updated Device drivers
  • Make sure Power Management driver is installed
  • Always use Balanced Power Plan
  • Opt for Power Saver power plan when you are running out of battery and want that extra kick